
Podcast I've enjoyed listening to:

Books I've enjoyed reading/listening:

Title Author Read
Debt - The First 5,000 years David Graeber Aug 2023
The Four Steps to the Epiphany Steve Blank Aug 2023
Nonviolent Communication Marshall B. Rosenberg June 2023
Thinking in Bets Annie Duke March 2022
Crucial Conversations Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan Jan 2022
Thinking in Systems Donella H. Meadows Dec 2021
Staff Engineer Will Larson Nov 2021
The Effective Executive Peter Drucker Jan 2021
An Elegant Puzzle Will Larson Aug 2020
The Hard Thing About Hard Things Ben Horowitz May 2020
The Lean Startup Eric Ries April 2020
Blitzscaling Reid Hoffman, Chris Yeh Dec 2019
Radical Candor Kim Scott Jan 2019
Measuring What Matters John Doerr June 2019

This is bit of a hack. I've always had trouble sitting down and reading books for long stretches. But, I've learned I can instead listen to audiobooks, take notes, and use spaced repetition to retain the information for longer. I've noticed that recalling the information is much better this way.